Can you train back and abs together?

Wondering if you can train your back and abs together? Do these two muscle groups fit into one training session or should you train them on different days? After reading this article you will know if you can train back and abs on the same day, what are the advantages and disadvantages and what you should pay attention to.

Abdominal muscles are already worked by back exercises like rowing and pull-ups. Doing additional abdominal exercises in your back workout allows you to target upper, middle and lower abs. Depending on how intense the abdominal workout is designed, the abdominal muscles may still be exhausted the next day. If this is the case, you can put the back and abdominal workout before a workout-free day.


The abdominal muscles, just like the lower back, are already worked by basic exercises such as rowing and pull-ups. Still, you can do isolation exercises for the abs in addition to back exercises. With abdominal exercises you can train the upper, lower and lateral abdominal muscles more specifically than with rowing and pull-ups. Abdominal exercises you can do in back training include crunches, leg raises and criss cross.


The only case where it can have negative effects is if you do a lot of abdominal exercises in the back workout. If your abs are exhausted the following day and you do squats, bench presses or shoulder presses, you might have performance issues because all of these exercises require core stability. The abdominal muscles are among the muscles that regenerate the fastest, which means that this usually only occurs with a very high volume of training. However, if this is the case, you should put the back and abdominal training before a non-training day.


Although the abdominal muscles are already stressed by back exercises like rowing and pull-ups, and their visibility depends on your diet, it makes sense to do additional abdominal exercises. Isolation exercises allow you to target upper, lower and side abs more specifically than basic exercises. While the abdominal muscles regenerate relatively quickly, you should adjust the training schedule to the intensity of the abdominal workout. If your abs are exhausted the next day, you should schedule your back and abdominal workouts before a non-training day.

Did this article help you plan your workout? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments, I look forward to exchanging ideas with you. If you have any other questions about back and abdominal training, you can ask me there too, I’ll be happy to help!

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