Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
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Wondering if you can train chest and triceps together? Do these two muscle groups fit into one training session or should you train them on different days? After reading this article, you will know if you can train chest and triceps on the same day, what are the advantages and disadvantages and what you should consider.
If you train chest and triceps together, you can save time because the triceps are already involved in chest training and therefore fewer exercises are needed. On the other hand, the triceps won’t have the full strength potential because they are pre-exhausted by the chest exercises. If you focus on developing the arms, the back and triceps combination is a good alternative.
Besides the front shoulder, the triceps is already involved as an accessory muscle in chest exercises. Therefore, you don’t have to do as many triceps exercises as with the back and triceps combination. In this way, the triceps are also warmed up by the chest workout, which again saves you time. Since chest and triceps are related muscles (pressing), you can train back and biceps (pulling) the following day without having recovery problems.
When you train chest and triceps together, the triceps are already pre-exhausted by the chest exercises. This means that you have less strength for the triceps exercises than with a back and triceps workout. In addition, the triceps are used less often than if you train back with triceps and chest with biceps. If you want to improve your arms, the combinations back and triceps and chest and biceps or a separate arm training are good alternatives.
When you train chest and triceps together, the triceps are already stressed by chest exercises. When it comes to tricep training, the triceps are already warmed up and fewer exercises are needed overall. However, due to pre-exhaustion from chest training, the triceps no longer have full strength potential. If you want to improve your arms, you can also try back and triceps and chest and biceps or do a separate arm workout.
Did this article help you plan your workouts? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments, I look forward to exchanging ideas with you. If you have any other questions about chest and triceps training, you can ask me there too, I’ll be happy to help!