Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
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You did a chest workout yesterday and are wondering what muscles you can train today? That’s a valid question, because you shouldn’t use your muscles again until they’re fully recovered. After reading this article, you will know which muscles you can train after a chest workout and which ones should take a break.
After a chest workout you can train legs or back without hindering recovery. Whether you can train shoulders or arms depends on the exercises you do in each workout. Chest should be paused the next day.
Can you train legs after a chest workout?
Yes, you can train legs after a chest workout. However, leg training does not only work the legs. In addition to the legs, leg training involves the gluteus and calves as accessory muscles. Since these muscles are not used during chest training, you can train them the following day without hindering recovery.
Can you train back after a chest workout?
Yes, you can train back after a chest workout. However, back training does not only work the back. In addition to the back, back training involves the biceps, back shoulders and neck as accessory muscles. Since these muscles are not used during chest training, you can train them the following day without hindering recovery.
Can you train shoulders after a chest workout?
Yes, you can train shoulders after a chest workout. However, you have to distinguish between the different shoulder heads. The front shoulders, along with the triceps, are involved in chest training as accessory muscles and should be paused the next day. The back and side shoulders, on the other hand, are not used during chest training and can be trained the next day without hindering recovery.
Can you train arms after a chest workout?
Yes, you can train arms after a chest workout. However, you have to distinguish between biceps and triceps. The triceps, in addition to the front shoulders, is involved in chest training as an auxiliary muscle and should be paused the next day. The biceps, on the other hand, are not used during chest training and can be trained the next day without hindering recovery.
When it comes to which muscle groups you can train after a chest workout, you have the following options: You have a choice between legs and back. Depending on which exercises you do, you can also train shoulders or arms the next day without regeneration problems. The chest, on the other hand, should take a break.
Did this article help you plan your workout? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments, I look forward to exchanging ideas with you. If you have any other questions about chest training, you can also ask me there, I’ll be happy to help!